Maj 2016
Tivedstorp 695 96 Tived Örebro

Ascension Festival

ASCENSION is a new participatory festival to be held in and just outside of the stunningly beautiful Tiveden national park in southern Sweden.


In part inspired by the 10 principles of Burning Man and Syntheism, one of the main focuses of the event will be that of co-created rituals, and all participants are encouraged to group up and ritualise different aspects of the festival. All such initiatives are eligible for ritual grants. One can also apply for conventional art grants for more physical projects. What would you and your friends like to create?

We diverge from the Burning Man ethos of "leave no trace" in that we believe that some traces are beneficial and worth leaving behind. We therefore put an emphasis on art installations and projects that can remain on-site after the event to the benefit of future visitors, with a special love for land art in harmony with the surrounding nature.

We'll post more specific information on this and how to apply in the coming week!

Ascension 2016 will have a maximum of 200 participants. It is easily accessible by train and car situated right in between Stockholm and Gothenburg.


A total of 200 spots available.

Indoor we can fit 100 people, out of which 67 come with a reserved bed.

The remaining 33 will get a floor spot (same rooms as the beds) which means that a mattress or other type of soft floor cover will be necessary to bring along.

The remaining 100 tickets (at 50% of the price) are for outdoor camping on the location. Ascension takes place in bright and beautiful May so this should be a good option for the person wanting more privacy and/or a cheaper alternative.. Bring your own RV/tent or whatever you need to be sleep comfortable outside. Remember that the nights can still be cold in May.

We're looking into renting some army tents that might be available for collective camping use, but we can't guarantee this at the moment. Stay tuned for coming updates on this!

Indoor ticket price: 600 SEK
Outdoor ticket price: 300 SEK


We will co-create the food for the entire festival (3 vegetarian meals per day). This will add 400 SEK to each ticket. Everyone will have to sign up for kitchen duty at some point during the festival.

Please contact us if you have very particular dietary restrictions so that you can get exempt from participating in the collective food plan. There will be separate small kitchen for a small number of people not able to participate due to allergies.

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Nöje.se   Tickster   Ticketmaster

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